

Agile methodologies

  • For us, the agile way has proven to be much effective for creating software. We want to be in touch you, plan together, break the plan with smarter ideas and constantly collaborate towards creating working software.
Agile methodologies image

Domain Driven Development

  • We strongly believe that domain knowledge is the key to a successful project. This is an ongoing process - the more we work, the more we learn.
Domain Driven Development methodologies image

Automated Testing

  • We genuinely believe that automation outstandingly improves quality. We favour automation in all phases of the SDLC and testing is certainly not an exception. Our team is experienced with test automation frameworks, creating test plans and, of course, writing automated tests.
Automated Testing
Let`s help you with any of these aspects


  • A Microservice architecture has become the preferred design approach for many software solutions. A distributed system built of Microservices has a lot of advantages - change management is facilitated different technologies can be mixed to use the best one for each particular component. Microservices, being standalone components themselves, naturally offer structured approach, which facilitates design changes and, last but not least - there are many systems built with a microservice architecture out there already and we can see positive results. This is also our preferred approach for building distributed systems and we have significant experience in the field.
Micro Frontends

Micro Frontends

  • The revolution of the frontend development has given us a large amount of options for building web applications. This concept is one of the most misunderstood even among very experienced developers. We claim to know its strengths and weaknesses and know when to use it or not.


  • Automation everywhere is our motto and the strategies of effective and successful building, testing and delivery are not an exception.


  • We always work with security in mind. Starting from the physical access to our office, through the safety of the WiFi and all of our devices, to the source code we create. We believe in building software with high quality proactive defence rather than relying just on fixing vulnerabilities, usually found too late in the SDLC.
Let`s discuss your needs
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